Diabetes Kidney Disease


           There is epidemic of both Diabetes and Kidney Disease in General population prevalence of CKD is about  10 to 12% . 75% of all chronic kidney disease are due to diabetes or hypertension. More then 33% of Diabetes patient can have Kidney Disease. Diabetic Patient can have Kidney Disease either due to Diabetes per se or due to non-diabetic causes. Diabetic Kidney Disease if diagnosed in early stage is usually preventable which is characterized by presence of micro albuminuria (Small amount of albumin in the urine ) usually diagnosed by radio immune assay or micral dipstick special tests . For treatment of diabetic Kidney disease certain anti diabetic drug belonging to SGLT-2 inhibitors groups   and angiotensin receptor blocker drugs are specific drugs used to  reduce protein excretion in the urine and retards the progression of kidney disease. Both drugs are both cardio-protective and reno protective group of drugs . Good control of diabetic plays Pivot Role in the prevention of diabetic Kidney Disease. All Diabetic patient requires annual screening   of Heart, Kidney, Eyes and nervous system to prevent & early diagnosis of diabetic complications.

Category:Diabetic Kidney Disease