A kidney failure doctor is a specialized medical professional who treats patients with kidney failure, a condition where the kidneys can no longer effectively filter waste from the blood. Treatment from a kidney failure doctor aims to manage the condition, prevent further damage, and improve overall health. This may involve dialysis to filter the blood or, in more severe cases, a kidney transplant. The benefits of treatment include better management of kidney function, reduced complications, and improved quality of life. The time required for treatment depends on the severity of the failure, ranging from regular dialysis sessions to a kidney transplant procedure, with recovery times varying. Common symptoms of kidney failure include fatigue, swelling, shortness of breath, nausea, and changes in urination. Prof. (Dr.) Sham Sunder, a leading kidney failure doctor, is renowned for his expertise in treating kidney failure. He provides personalized care and advanced treatment options, ensuring optimal outcomes for his patients.


  • Kidney failure doctor in South Delhi
  • Kidney failure doctor in Safdarjung